TASPEN PT ( Persero ) is a State-Owned Enterprises ( SOEs ) in the field of Insurance and Pension Funds PNS business , need to employ :
1 . Management Trainee ( MT ) graduate S - 1 for potential leaders ;2 . Non- high school graduates for Management Trainee Customer Service ,General Administration , Financial Administration , and cashier .Of integrity , committed , and willing to work hard to put in ALL AREAS INDONESIA .
A. General requirements1 . Citizen Male / Female , attractive appearance , energetic , and friendly .2 male height ( L ) of at least 160 cm , female ( P ) of at least 155 cm , with a weight proportional .3 Never married and willing to not get married for 2 ( two ) years from the relevant implementing Pre- Employment Education and Training / Orientation Training ( OT )4 It never dismissed with respect as employees and private sector in government agencies .5 Physically and mentally healthy .6 Education Bachelor degree ( S - 1 ) for Management Trainee :
a. The maximum age of 27 years on December 31, 2013 ;b . Minimum GPA of 2.75 ( PTN ) or 3.00 ( PTS ) on a 4.00 scale ;c . Have a minimum TOEFL score of 500 ;d . Acceptable courses are : Accounting ( AKU ) , Management ( MAN ) , Economics ( ECO ) , of Administration ( ADM ) , Legal ( HKM ) , Statistics ( STA ) , Computer Science ( COM) , Actuary ( AKT ) , Finance ( KEU ) , Communication Studies ( IKO ) , Mathematics ( MAT ) , and Civil Engineering ( TSI ) .7 Education level high school / vocational school / equivalent for Non Management Trainee :
a. The maximum age of 22 years on December 31, 2013 ;b . The average value of 7.00 or UAN minimum book value of report cards grade I , II and III minimum 7.00 ;c . Preferably with certificate : Tax Brevet A , B Brevet Taxation , Accounting , Computer , Mechanical , Electrical , Mechanical , Building . ;Placed eighth at the Head Office and Branch Offices in ALL AREAS INDONESIA .
B. Administrative Requirements
Creating a cover letter addressed to the General Manager of Human Resources Division through Employee Recruitment Committee TASPEN PT ( Persero ) in 2013 , with the following attachments :1 Curriculum Vitae / CV ( Download form at ) ;2 4 pieces of recent color photographs size 4 x 6 cm ;3 Copies of ID / Identity Card valid self 1 sheet ;4 Copy of Birth Certificate / Birth Certificate ;5 Copy of legalized :a. Diploma / Certificate of Graduation ;b . UAN value or book value of report cards grade I , II and III ( for high school ) ;c . Transcripts ( for S - 1 ) ;d . TOEFL certificate ( for S - 1 ) .6 Original Single Certificate ( minimum of Village / local village head ) ;7 Copy of Certificate of Good Behaviour ( SKKB ) / Police Notes ( SKCK ) of the Police ;8 Original Certificate of sound mind and body ( include height and weight ) , psychotropic drugs and drug-free , free of color blindness government doctors / Government Hospital ;9 Create stamp duty waiver Rp6.000 , 00 (form attached below ) attached to the application file which states :9a. Not been dishonorably discharged as an employee in any Government / Private ;b . There was never sentenced to prison or jail by a judgment which has the force of law has remained , for committing a criminal offense;c . Willing is not married for 2 ( two ) years since implementing Pre- Employment Education and Training / Orientation Training ( OT ) ;d . Willing to undergo the Association Office for 3 ( three ) years since implementing Pre- Employment Education and Training / Orientation Training ( OT ) ;e . Willing to follow the entire procedure and selection process ;f . Willing to bear all the costs of stationery, transportation and accommodation during the selection process of residence ( domicile ) applicants to site selection;g . Willing to be placed throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia .10 Copy of Work Experience Certificate ( if any ) .
C. Procedures to Apply1 . Applicants do registration / online registration on website recruitment TASPEN ( ) ;2 . Qualified applicants , prior to registering online, you must first prepare the scanned document file in the form :
a. pdf format to : curriculum vitae , diploma / graduation letter , transcripts ( for S1 ) , UAN / value report card ( for high school / vocational school ) , and TOEFL certificate ( for S1 ) .b . jpg format for maximum color photographs 120 kb . File documents in pdf and jpg format in the annex at the time of online registration .3 . Applicants do registrasionline by attaching a pdf document 2.a and 2.b documents in jpg form .4 Online registration began on 18 November 2013 till 24 November 2013 .5 Successful applicants to register and obtain a registration number in order to print a proof of online registration .6 Selection is done by using the SYSTEM FALL .7 Only Applicants who are eligible and qualify BEST called / announced to follow the next stage of selection .8 Applicants who announced to follow the next stage of selection in order to print a test card and show it to the Committee prior to the implementation of Employee Admission Test TPA and English ( for the S1 level ) and Psychological Tests ( for senior high school / vocational school ) .9 application letter addressed to the General Manager of the Division of Human Resources through the Implementation Committee TASPEN Employee Recruitment PT ( Persero ) in 2013 in Jakarta .10 The application and attachments inserted into the color map below was taken and submitted at the time of follow Psychological Tests for Admission Committee employees .Blue folder : Bachelor degree applicants ( S - 1 )Red folder : Applicants for the vocational / high school11 The decision is final and absolute graduation can not be contested , and held no correspondence .12 Participants who passed the final selection shall sign a bond agreement .13 The implementation of the test :a. Management Trainee ( MT ) : Jakartaa. Non- Management Trainee : Jakarta , Surabaya , Makassar , Medan , and Banjarmasin14 Announcement of applicants who passed the administrative selection and eligible for further selection can be seen only on the site first week of December 2013.
TASPEN PT ( Persero ) is a State-Owned Enterprises ( SOEs ) in the field of Insurance and Pension Funds PNS business , need to employ :
1 . Management Trainee ( MT ) graduate S - 1 for potential leaders ;2 . Non- high school graduates for Management Trainee Customer Service ,General Administration , Financial Administration , and cashier .Of integrity , committed , and willing to work hard to put in ALL AREAS INDONESIA .
A. General requirements1 . Citizen Male / Female , attractive appearance , energetic , and friendly .2 male height ( L ) of at least 160 cm , female ( P ) of at least 155 cm , with a weight proportional .3 Never married and willing to not get married for 2 ( two ) years from the relevant implementing Pre- Employment Education and Training / Orientation Training ( OT )4 It never dismissed with respect as employees and private sector in government agencies .5 Physically and mentally healthy .6 Education Bachelor degree ( S - 1 ) for Management Trainee :
a. The maximum age of 27 years on December 31, 2013 ;b . Minimum GPA of 2.75 ( PTN ) or 3.00 ( PTS ) on a 4.00 scale ;c . Have a minimum TOEFL score of 500 ;d . Acceptable courses are : Accounting ( AKU ) , Management ( MAN ) , Economics ( ECO ) , of Administration ( ADM ) , Legal ( HKM ) , Statistics ( STA ) , Computer Science ( COM) , Actuary ( AKT ) , Finance ( KEU ) , Communication Studies ( IKO ) , Mathematics ( MAT ) , and Civil Engineering ( TSI ) .7 Education level high school / vocational school / equivalent for Non Management Trainee :
a. The maximum age of 22 years on December 31, 2013 ;b . The average value of 7.00 or UAN minimum book value of report cards grade I , II and III minimum 7.00 ;c . Preferably with certificate : Tax Brevet A , B Brevet Taxation , Accounting , Computer , Mechanical , Electrical , Mechanical , Building . ;Placed eighth at the Head Office and Branch Offices in ALL AREAS INDONESIA .
B. Administrative Requirements
Creating a cover letter addressed to the General Manager of Human Resources Division through Employee Recruitment Committee TASPEN PT ( Persero ) in 2013 , with the following attachments :1 Curriculum Vitae / CV ( Download form at ) ;2 4 pieces of recent color photographs size 4 x 6 cm ;3 Copies of ID / Identity Card valid self 1 sheet ;4 Copy of Birth Certificate / Birth Certificate ;5 Copy of legalized :a. Diploma / Certificate of Graduation ;b . UAN value or book value of report cards grade I , II and III ( for high school ) ;c . Transcripts ( for S - 1 ) ;d . TOEFL certificate ( for S - 1 ) .6 Original Single Certificate ( minimum of Village / local village head ) ;7 Copy of Certificate of Good Behaviour ( SKKB ) / Police Notes ( SKCK ) of the Police ;8 Original Certificate of sound mind and body ( include height and weight ) , psychotropic drugs and drug-free , free of color blindness government doctors / Government Hospital ;9 Create stamp duty waiver Rp6.000 , 00 (form attached below ) attached to the application file which states :9a. Not been dishonorably discharged as an employee in any Government / Private ;b . There was never sentenced to prison or jail by a judgment which has the force of law has remained , for committing a criminal offense;c . Willing is not married for 2 ( two ) years since implementing Pre- Employment Education and Training / Orientation Training ( OT ) ;d . Willing to undergo the Association Office for 3 ( three ) years since implementing Pre- Employment Education and Training / Orientation Training ( OT ) ;e . Willing to follow the entire procedure and selection process ;f . Willing to bear all the costs of stationery, transportation and accommodation during the selection process of residence ( domicile ) applicants to site selection;g . Willing to be placed throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia .10 Copy of Work Experience Certificate ( if any ) .
C. Procedures to Apply1 . Applicants do registration / online registration on website recruitment TASPEN ( ) ;2 . Qualified applicants , prior to registering online, you must first prepare the scanned document file in the form :
a. pdf format to : curriculum vitae , diploma / graduation letter , transcripts ( for S1 ) , UAN / value report card ( for high school / vocational school ) , and TOEFL certificate ( for S1 ) .b . jpg format for maximum color photographs 120 kb . File documents in pdf and jpg format in the annex at the time of online registration .3 . Applicants do registrasionline by attaching a pdf document 2.a and 2.b documents in jpg form .4 Online registration began on 18 November 2013 till 24 November 2013 .5 Successful applicants to register and obtain a registration number in order to print a proof of online registration .6 Selection is done by using the SYSTEM FALL .7 Only Applicants who are eligible and qualify BEST called / announced to follow the next stage of selection .8 Applicants who announced to follow the next stage of selection in order to print a test card and show it to the Committee prior to the implementation of Employee Admission Test TPA and English ( for the S1 level ) and Psychological Tests ( for senior high school / vocational school ) .9 application letter addressed to the General Manager of the Division of Human Resources through the Implementation Committee TASPEN Employee Recruitment PT ( Persero ) in 2013 in Jakarta .10 The application and attachments inserted into the color map below was taken and submitted at the time of follow Psychological Tests for Admission Committee employees .Blue folder : Bachelor degree applicants ( S - 1 )Red folder : Applicants for the vocational / high school11 The decision is final and absolute graduation can not be contested , and held no correspondence .12 Participants who passed the final selection shall sign a bond agreement .13 The implementation of the test :a. Management Trainee ( MT ) : Jakartaa. Non- Management Trainee : Jakarta , Surabaya , Makassar , Medan , and Banjarmasin14 Announcement of applicants who passed the administrative selection and eligible for further selection can be seen only on the site first week of December 2013.
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Unknown - Friday, November 15, 2013
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